Tuesday, 20 July 2010

photographer on board

I have enlisted the help of a friend, Christian smith (www.christian-smith.com) to photograph each artist involved in the project. He will shoot them at work in their space. I aim to produce a book documenting the whole project and the photographs will be shown alongside images of the work and the corresponding text. This way, there is a record of the whole story after the show comes down and the work gets sold (hopefully!).
It is exciting to have someone new on board and also good timing. Tomorrow will be the six year anniversary of Georgie's death. It is still a sad moment but enough time has now passed for me to also look at this day as a chance to celebrate everything about her that was so positive. And there is plenty.
What i love about the project is how it's shape already resembles so much of the good stuff about Georgie in a way that would never have happened, had i been more in control of it. the images submitted so far and the people involved all have a certain relevance to parts of her life. So, i feel she is somehow at the helm of this project, steering its course from wherever she may be now.

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